Are you tired of struggling to convert leads into paying customers? Well, I'm here to introduce you to a system that will improve lead management, customer engagement, and, ultimately, revenue. I'm talking about your automated sales funnel!

In today's episode of Shop Talk, "How To Build An Automated Sales Funnel Like A Pro," I take a deep dive into all the steps you will go through to build a sales funnel that guides your prospects through the selling process from identifying your audience, to launching the funnel, and even optimizing it for incredible results.

By following the simple steps, you can create a sales funnel that works like a pro. So, listen to this episode and learn how to create a sales funnel today!

Snapshot of this episode:

0:40 - Benefits of an Automated Sales Funnel4:34 - STEP 1 - Identify Your Audience6:33 - STEP 2 - Create Your Irresistible Offer11:27 - STEP 3 - Define Your Goal12:44 - STEP 4 - Map Your Funnel15:53 - STEP 5 - Create Your Content16:56 - STEP 6 - Build Your Pages18:19 - STEP 7 - Build Your Automated Campaign21:09 - STEP 8 - Test the Funnel22:26 - STEP 9 - Launch to Your Audience23:01 - STEP 10 - Analyze And Optimize