Gene's New Book: The Unicorn Project

Gene Kim discusses his re-exploration of the Parts Unlimited universe from a different angle and how he came up with the Five Ideals that he surfaces in the book. Benton and Gene take a deep dive into the problems the book's protagonist, Maxine, faces in her DevOps journey, the reasons why those problems exist, and actionable solutions.

Encouraging Psychological Safety and an Inclusive DevOps Culture

Explore psychological safety, leadership and building positive, DevOps-minded team chemistry through fun anecdotes about the San Antonio Spurs and General Stanley McChrystal. Find out how any team can drive efficient engineering workflows through empowerment, inclusivity and collaboration.

Using Procedural vs. One-Shot Learning in Engineering to Address Business Concerns

Why is it important for engineering teams to focus on work that solves business problems? How do you build a process for continuous improvement that helps encourage functional programming and ultimately delivers reliable, secure applications and services faster?

On-Call Horror Story: How a Bad Perl Script Led to Starting a Company

Hear about Gene's experience working in a computing center in 1991 and how one bad Perl script eventually led him into starting Tripwire.