Previous Episode: Sharing Our Gifts

 We don’t serve or love with the expectation of receiving back in the same way (especially if it’s someone NOT in our inner circle and we’re doing a good deed.) but in love with our inner circle without some reciprocation over time even if it’s appreciating depletes us and leaves us feeling drained, depleted, and often times leads to not having a standard of respect depending on the level of relationship. So when giving or serving, there’s no need to expect. We should give with a hope of just showing kindness. BUT with our inner circle (significant others, parents, who we consider family even if they’re not blood) recuperation is a must even if it’s not coming back to us in the same way- it’s one way to create a healthy boundary, relationships, and self respect. We cannot continually give with nothing in return. So when I talk about expectations within relationships, I’m talking about within our inner circle, the people we consider family.

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Keep Shining- Shanna Star