Vagina, vulva, clitoris, pussy...and there’s so much more to discover about this juicy topic!.  

In this episode, I'll be shining love and light on our Womanly bits. The parts of our anatomy that are shrouded in shame, embarrassment and misunderstanding. I'll introduce you to Nicola Belcher, Founder of Infinity Therapies, and Jennifer Karlich, Founder of The Joy Space, two inspiring women who've embodied the feminine and understand the gifts that our female bodies offer us. Nicola has studied at the School of Womanly Art in NYC and together with Jen, facilitates 'A Book Club with A Difference' to introduce women to the life-enhancing tools of the Womanly Arts and Regena Thomashauer’s work in Pussy: A Reclamation. Each week, for 8 weeks, they unpack a chapter of the book, practice tools and bring together a phenomenal group of women to uncover and deep dive into the truth the sits beneath the layers of our patriarchal world culture and to reclaim not only our own anatomy but the power of pleasure that sits within it. 

Find out more about Nicola at and Jennifer at 

* music by the super talented Marita Bajurnow of Sing Drum Groove -