Menopause is one of those topics that people avoid because it's tied up with the suggestion that you're washed up and over the hill once you reach menopause. There's also the mystery around all the bodily changes, and they're considered awkward and uncomfortable - urgh, hot flushes, night sweats...and no cute, sexy bodies in sight! 

In this episode I talk with Barbara Fitzpartrick-Haddy, a Women's Yoga teacher with a special interest and lots of study on women's health.

If you’re interested in further reading, Barb recommends the following books:

The Optimized Woman - Using your menstrual cycle to achieve success and fulfilment by Miranda Gray
The  Wild Genie - The Healing Power of menstruation - A handbook for self care by Alexandra Pope
Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom by Christiane Northrup - MD
The Hormone Cure by Sara Gottfried, MD
What your Doctor may not tell you about premenopause - Balance your hormones and your life from thirty to fifty by John R Lee MD and Jesse Hanley MD
The Female Brain by Louann Brizendine MD (a good one to read if you have teenage daughters or nieces - the changes which occur from teenage years to menopause).
A Woman’s Worth - by Marianne Williamson
The Red Tent - By Anita Diamant (a fiction novel about the history of the supportive and nurturing nature of the Red Tent.)

You can connect with Barbara via her website