In our culture, it's 'normal' for adults to socialise and celebrate with alcohol. In fact, if you don't, you must be pregnant, taking antibiotics, have a work presentation the next day, or be an absolute party pooper. 

Unhealthy drinking habits are rarely discussed, hangovers are put up with, and awful aspects like aggression, blacking out or embarrassing behaviour are glossed over. 

A gorgeous friend, Kathryn Elliott, who is also a Radiant Woman, Breast Cancer Survivor (I spoke to her in the episode about Living with Cancer), and Mindful Drinking coach, helps us to Shine Love & Light on Our relationship with alcohol.

In this frank and insightful chat, we discuss conscious drinking, explore shame about our drinking habits, and unpack why it's important we reflect on our alcohol consumption. Kath generously talks about her experiences with binge drinking and shares her insights and tips on how we can create a healthy relationship with alcohol.

If you'd like to connect with Kath, you can visit her website, or follow her on Instagram @thealcoholmindsetcoach or facebook

You can also take up her offer of a free 45-minute free discovery call.