In our culture, giving birth is perceived as frightening, painful and something to endure. Women are not taught to trust their bodies but instead are encouraged to hand over their health and wellbeing (and that of their baby) to the medical system. Intervention is common and information is not being given to women to allow them to make informed and empowered decisions about what is best for their situation.

Recently I discovered from Sarah Miller, a Teacher of the Four Seasons Journey and MoonSong (Menstrual Wellness) Workshop for the School of Shamanic Womancraft, that how we approach and experience birth can give us insights into our creative process and identify areas for healing. I found this fascinating and wanted to learn more and help shine love and light on this rarely talked about aspect of our lives.

We talk about why ancient knowledge and wisdom about our birth process is hidden and shamed, why it's valuable to get interested in our birth story, how our birth story can impact us through our life, the links between our birth story and our creative process, and the power we can tap into when we embrace and love our body, connect with natural cycles, and trust our feminine wisdom. 

In our conversation, we also discuss:

The impact of a patriarchal system on women's ability to give birth naturally.

The shame and fear that begins with the menstrual taboo.

How our birth process is mirrored in other rites of passage throughout our lives.

What you can do if you don't know your birth story

How making a drum can give you insight into your birth story.

The power in tuning in to your body, pain messages, and natural cycles

The healing power of sitting and sharing with women

Acknowledging the pain of loss and grief that comes with the birth of babies that don't make it earthside (terminations, abortions and stillbirths)

If you'd like to connect with Sarah, you can find out more on her website

If you'd like to find out more about resources Sarah mentions in the episode, visit my website