For many women in their midlife, any attention given to sex and pleasure is for someone else's benefit. Only when everyone else is satisfied, will a woman consider her sexual needs, desires and give herself any time or opportunity to receive pleasure.

It's time this changed! And women felt TURNED ON!

My guest, Mangala Holland, is on a mission to help women and pussy-owners become empowered through loving themselves fiercely, celebrating their sexuality, and accessing way more pleasure than they ever thought possible and believes that midlife is an opportunity for powerful, positive transformation.

Together we talk about why sexual pleasure is worth prioritising and opens up all kinds of possibilities in other areas of our lives.

Tune in to discover:

Why pleasure can be challenging for women

The benefits of pleasure

How your sexual expression impacts other areas of your life

What you've been told is sex, isn't! It's way more!!

The most important difference to remember between real sex and that you see on tv/movies and porn

The best way to begin exploring your own sexual pleasure

The importance of feeling safe and connected to your body

The value in sharing wisdom with other women in sisterhood

What the Orgasm Gap is

Why we should stop trying to orgasm.

Our bodies are built for sexual pleasure.

It's never too late to begin to experience your sexual pleasure.

You can find Mangala's free 3 part video series, From Shut Down to Sensual Satisfaction on her website:

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