Talking about Sex with your partner, friends and sisters is one thing. Talking about it with your kids/grandkids is in another league altogether!

If you feel awkward, embarrassed, uncertain or avoid conversations about sex in your home, you’re not alone!

Understanding sex positive parenting, and knowing how we can create a sex positive environment to live in are skills we haven’t been taught.

Good news is, it’s not too late to start now! 

Whether you have kids or not, your kids are tiny or have left the home, there’s something for everyone to take away from this conversation!

My guest is the perfect person to help us appreciate and create a sex positive, shame-free home. 

Dr Tina Schermer Sellers, a licensed sex and gender feminist psychotherapist, researcher, is the best selling author of ‘Sex, God & the Conservative Church: Erasing Shame from Sexual Intimacy’ & ‘Shame-free parenting: Everything You Need to Raise Shame Free, Confident Kids and Heal Your Shame Too’.

Discover how to empower yourself and your children, and learn practical steps to foster a healthy relationship with your body and sexuality. 

Our conversation is so valuable and juicy and includes: 

What turns her on

How she got into working in the sex positive education and research space

How our worth and sexual shame are interlinked

Her model that we can use to ‘Erase the M.E.S.S’

Getting a good sex education, at any age. 

How we can re-parent ourselves

Your body as your home

What does sex positive education look like.

what contributes to a sex positive home

Ideally how to raise a sex positive child

What to do if you have grown children and you feel you could have done things differently

How to understand the world our kids are growing up in now

Examples of conversations we can have with children now

How the influence of media and business is impacting our children and what we can do about it

Her best tip for how we can make our home feel safe, shame free and sex positive

You can connect with Tina via:  

[email protected]

Tina mentions

Peggy Orenstein's books 'Girls & Sex' and 'Boys & Sex'.