Have you ever felt trapped by societal expectations?

Do you struggle to follow your passion while juggling various life roles?

Are you ready to break free and live a life that lights you up?

In this episode, my guest is Ann Marie Grace, an artist, retreat owner and leader, and advocate for wholehearted living.

Ann Marie shares her journey of breaking free from societal and personal constraints to live a life fuelled by passion and authenticity. From moving across continents to starting a Mexican restaurant, entering the world of wine, and ultimately reconnecting with her artistic roots, Ann Marie’s story is one of courage, resilience, and unwavering belief in the power of following one's heart.

Tune in to hear Ann Marie share about:

What turns her on

Her pivotal a-ha/break free moments

Being multipassionate

How to know when to break free

Different ways you can look at your purpose and Dhama

What is Yoga therapy?

Walking away from things we have worked hard on or built up.

The Hoffman Process

Owning parts of ourselves and our identity

Tips on what to look for when you want to break free

The positive benefits and life changing impacts of yoga and meditation practices

How a retreat can help you to break free

How to access the benefits of a retreat if you don’t have the means to attend one

How you can use a quadrinity check every day.

Trusting your inner guidance, surrendering and knowing there is always a learning.

A tip for getting through anxious thoughts about the future.

Ann Marie refers to the book, The Great Work of Your Life by Stephen Cope


The Hoffman Process


Insight timer  


Find out more about her programs and retreats at


You can find a DIY one day retreat outline here:


Follow her on

Instagram: annmariegrace.artist

Facebook: annmariegrace.artist