How do you feel when you look in the mirror? Do you love or loath what you see?

How do you relate to your self image? Are you aware that what you see may be different to how others see you?

In this conversation, Dianne Catterall, a holistic beauty practitioner, and I discuss self image, beauty and how we can feel comfortable with how we are seen and show up in the world.

Listen to hear us talk about:

How the word beauty can be activating for some people.
Her preference for the word glory
Makeup as art and using techniques to enhance features
Being kind to our bodies
HerSTORY and how women’s bodies were revered 
Connecting in with, and accepting, parts of your body
Your inner child and what you would say to her.
Our self talk
can we make a difference to the world and have a change if we don't first love ourselves and accept ourselves?
Another’s perception of our beauty
Our unique differences
The messages in how we dress and the clothing we choose
Taking photos to get comfortable with how you look
How playing in my September challenge connected her with her body
How you want to show up
Choosing the people in your life that bring you joy

Connect with Dianne:

Instagram @gladalloverau


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