When life gives you lemons, do you make lemonade?

Does life happen to you, or for you?

In this episode, my guest, Katrina Andrew and I explore the gifts and opportunities that appear when we consciously face challenges and make big life changes.

Katrina is a Mum to 3 teens and a pro at life pivots. She left a life in corporate finance and recruitment to learn and lead in an online clean online clean beauty and wellness business, removed gluten from her diet when she was diagnosed with coeliac disease and stopped drinking alcohol to live a life that exemplifies health and empowerment, and motivates others to follow suit.

Listen to hear us discuss:

The four themes explored in Moulin Rouge that guide her to turn on.

Facing fears and difficult situations - including miscarriage and birth

Accepting and acknowledging changes and being open to new opportunities

The catalysts for change  

The symptoms of coeliac disease (that many are unaware of)

The lifestyle challenges faced when diagnosed a coeliac

The number one thing to do to support you when faced with a challenge (or a coeliac diagnosis)

The importance of sleep hygiene

Tips to support you if you’d like to change your relationship with alcohol

What you gain when you don't drink alcohol

What you can do when faced with challenges to help you experience the gifts

The surprising way to get to know yourself and discover gifts when making a lifestyle shift

Connect with Katrina:





If you'd like support with life challenges:

Lifeline Australia: Phone: 13 11 11 ⁠Lifeline Australia⁠⁠

Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636 ⁠Beyond Blue⁠

Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467 ⁠Suicide Call Back Service⁠⁠

Headspace (for ages 12-25): 1800 650 890 ⁠⁠Headspace⁠

QLife (LGBTI+ support): ⁠QLife⁠

1800RESPECT: 1800 737 732 ⁠1800RESPECT⁠

Rape & Domestic Violence Services Australia (RDVSA):1800 211 028 ⁠Rape & Domestic Violence Services Australia⁠

Sexual Assault Support Services (SASS) ⁠Sexual Assault Support Services⁠

Blue Knot Foundation - National Centre of Excellence for Complex Trauma 1300 657 380 ⁠Blue Knot Foundation⁠

Bravehearts: 1800 272 831: ⁠Bravehearts⁠

Outside of Australia:

⁠Befrienders Worldwide⁠ provides a directory of helplines worldwide.

⁠Crisis Text Line⁠ provides free, confidential support via text messaging. Available in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and Ireland.

⁠International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP)⁠ offers resources and information about suicide prevention worldwide.

⁠Mental Health Europe⁠ provides information and resources for mental health support across Europe.