Breaking new ground and trailblazing can be a turn on.

It clearly is for Jane Kanizay, Mountaineer, Mother of 4, and passionate consent campaigner.

As she shares in this episode, obstacles and mountains can be overcome! She reveals what it's like to stretch your comfort zone when climbing to crazy heights, and redefines what it is to feel cool with her can-do attitude and commitment.

Tune in to hear her talk about:

Why she decided to climb Mount Everest

How long it took to prepare for the climb

What training and preparations she went through

What motivated her

Her experience with cold whilst climbing

The camps and extremes you go through to summit Mt Everest

Going beyond the self-imposed limitations we put on our bodies

The one thing that they didn't talk about with their sherpa guides

Consent, Chanel Contos, and the campaign, Teach Us Consent

The little changes we can make to ensure we don't perpetuate patriachal systems that create gendered differences in our kids

Consent education in schools


How to respond to unwanted touch, or inappropriate comments

The difference we can make when we speak up and call it out

why she is always using self reflection

Jane refers to the book:

Consent Laid Bare by Chanel Contos

The following websites:


This one - other episodes of TURNED ON: Wild, free & sexy in your midlife

Mama Mia

Listenable - with Dylan Allcott -

Follow Jane on Instagram at


You can listen to more about Jane's expedition on the following podcasts:


You can see some footage of Jane's expedition to the summit of Mt Everest on her instagram page: