If you're interested in your health, you've heard about inflammation. It's linked to all kinds of health conditions and concerns, particularly with our gut health.

I asked Kate Boyle, a nutritionist, food scientist, pilates instructor, and Founder of Mind, Movement Health, a health platform and podcast, to give us an overview and an understanding of inflammation, how it impacts our health, and what we can do to reduce it so we can feel turned on and alive in our bodies.

Tune in to discover:

What is inflammation?

How do we know if we have it?

Tips to reduce inflammation.

The chemicals to look out for in your food

Why chips and processed food can be so addictive

Fast Food and the tricks it plays on our mind

Whether it's best to avoid gluten

What's contributing to autoimmune conditions

How our vagus nerve can help us get turned on

A cold water plunge health hack

Why a cold plunge is so good for us

Stress and the best way to manage it

Lots of ways you can quickly reduce your stress levels during the day

For more information and to check out her online Health and Movement Membership please

head to www.MindMovementHealth.com.au

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