Is it possible to create miracles and magic in your midlife? And if it is, how do we do it?

In this episode, Janelle Ryan, Global Personal Coach, author, and Founder of Sky High Coaching shares how she came to be in the Top 6% of Happiest People in the World, and how you can create miracles and magic in your life.

Tune in to discover:

How a coach can help you to feel turned on
What is a miracle and who can experience them
What is the quantum and how it’s relevant to manifesting and miracles
How you can be the creator of miracles and feel turned on.
What you can do today to get started
A simple and powerful exercises that Janelle gives first to all her clients. 
Your value is independent of your roles
How gratitude can move things from low vibration to a high vibration 
A tip to spread love with your credit card. 
The dominance of wellbeing energy in the world that is available for you to focus on. 
The lessons you can learn from animals and children 
The times you have created from the quantum. 
Why challenges are important for your growth and expansion.
The link between failure and magic. 
Why your age doesn't impact your ability to create miracles and magic
One question you can ask yourself to give you perspective when things are challenging. 
A simple mantra for all women in their midlife. 

You can connect with Janelle via

Download the Sky High Coaching app from Google Play or Apple Store for the free resources, including Worthy at Work, Cherish, and How to Take a Quantum Leap.