For many of us, our feminine qualities and energy are not the tools we think we serve us when we're feeling lost, frightened, isolated or out of control. Yet, Tatiana Slezak, Bioresonance Practitioner and author of 'How to Get Out of the Fog', explains that they're surprisingly powerful parts of us that can guide us through the fog when we tune into them, trust them, and allow them to be expressed.

Tatiana grew up in Poland and migrated to Australia 15 years ago. She shares about how her upbringing and move across the world to a different culture has allowed her to appreciate the value of the feminine as an important element of self discipline and turn on.

Tune in to hear us discuss:

What it is to feel turned on

What fog means in her book 'How to Get Out of the Fog'

How addiction suppresses the feminine

What you discover when you change yourself instead of trying to change others

What opens up with challenge and breakdown

Why hitting rockbottom is a blessing

The impact of choices and appreciation

Differences in culture and the expression of the feminine

How following your intuition is efficient

The power of energy and frequency in our body

What Bioresonance is and how it works

The popularity of Bioresonance in Poland

You can connect with Tatiana via:

Instagram @iamtatianaslezak

Or download her book on the website: