Our consumption of sugar is harming us. There's mounting evidence that sugar damages our teeth, gut lining, liver, pancreas, kidney, heart and state of mind. Yet it continues to be a major sweetener in our lives. It's hidden in a lot of our food, and is socially acceptable and embraced in our celebrations, culture and community.

So what would life be like without sugar in it? Is it possible to live a TURNED ON life when life isn't sweet?

In this episode, Mugs Haugen, a 64 year old nurse and coach, shares how she turned her life around when she focused on herself and her health, and eliminated sugar and flour from her diet. She lost 60 pounds (27kg) six years ago and has lived a healthy vibrant, active life ever since.

Mugs now supports nurses, healthcare professionals, and caregivers to break through burnout, overwhelm, and stress when their lives don't feel so sweet!

Together we discussed:

The importance of focusing on your own health and nourishing your body and soul when you’re a caregiver

How serving others can turn you on

The power of awareness and choice

How you can only really serve others when your cup is full to overflowing

The importance of boundaries and saying 'No'

Food as medicine

Feeling empowered within broken systems

Self responsibility and self determination 

Willpower and re-training our brains

The ‘symptoms’ that are caused by sugar

How to set yourself up for success

Removing sweets can actually ‘sweeten’ your life

Giving up guilt & gratitude

You can connect with Mugs:


Nurses Self Care Circle


The book I mention is:

That Sugar Book by Damon Gameau