
Guest: Allen Hillary

Allen is a data storyteller who’s passionate about building community and curating articles that highlight the importance of data narratives. He has spent 20 years in Fortune 500 companies using data analysis and analytics to help sales and marketing leaders make informed decisions. What he's learned is that numbers alone are not memorable and managers are not making decisions solely based on them. Empathy and communication are key in getting the work done. Allen created Data Heroes to spotlight notable figures who used data to make an impact on society. In reading these stories it’s his goal to inspire others to appreciate the art of telling their own.

Data Stories is planning to launch Community Training Boot camps for educators later this fall. The boot camps will be a weekend session where educators can bring storytelling into their classroom and have a new way of showing my students how to look at the world that is inclusive, empathetic, and utilizes technology and data. More details to come but we’re definitely looking for those interested for our first cohort. Contact me at [email protected]

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