Previous Episode: Episode 55: Minkette

You know when you're on the train, and you think "Oh there's Jigsaw, just getting on at this stop. Hi Jigsaw!" You know. Usually happens the day after you watched all the Saw films in a row, like this week's guest Sarah Dobbs did recently. Luckily, she's a horror fan... she's also a journalist, and [...]

You know when you're on the train, and you think "Oh there's Jigsaw, just getting on at this stop. Hi Jigsaw!" You know. Usually happens the day after you watched all the Saw films in a row, like this week's guest Sarah Dobbs did recently. Luckily, she's a horror fan... she's also a journalist, and the editor of new feminist pop culture magazine re/action. Discover why The Happening is better than you think, what's the deal with all those apocalypse films and the format in which one distributes a film called Vampire Girl vs Frankenstein Girl, in this exclusive interview.

And the offensive generalisations about foreign snackfood continue as Dave helps us demolish a range of Mexican foodstuffs, generously supplied by listener Liz Henry.

Links: Sarah's website | Sarah on Twitter | re/action magazine | Witness Dave in his natural habitat | Talk to like-minded podcast-listeners on the SRS forum | Buy a tape of this episode

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