Previous Episode: Episode 54: Dominic Wilcox
Next Episode: Episode 56: Sarah Dobbs

We chat to a games-creator this week, the talented Minkette, and hear about some of her extraordinary projects - which range from mindbending ARGs to a radio-transmitted theatre production on the Tube.
All that plus Kinect hacking, real world point-and-clicks, and Rockband with Grannie in this foil-fresh square of your Shift Run Stop advent calendar. Now [...]

We chat to a games-creator this week, the talented Minkette, and hear about some of her extraordinary projects - which range from mindbending ARGs to a radio-transmitted theatre production on the Tube.

All that plus Kinect hacking, real world point-and-clicks, and Rockband with Grannie in this foil-fresh square of your Shift Run Stop advent calendar. Now relax, settle back with a drink that tastes of Christmas, and pop open our window.

Links: Minkette (Twitter) | Investigate Dave in more detail | Join the non-stop break-neck fast-paced chat on our forum | Buy a tape of this episode and listen to it in the past.

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