Have you ever wondered what it would be like to walk away from the daily grind and move to a beautiful, remote place where you could take a beat and get back in touch with what’s really important? That’s exactly what 38-year-old Amy Jo Martin did. For her 20s and early 30s, Amy lived in the fast lane. She worked for the Phoenix Suns and then founded a company aimed at helping corporations, celebrities and sports entities humanize their brands through social streams. With a following of more than a million people, Amy is an expert in the field of social media; she was named the 3rd most powerful woman on Twitter by Forbes.

But by 2015, Amy was burnt out. She exited her company and moved to the black hills of South Dakota, founding her podcast, Why Not Now? On the show, she interviews people who have made life altering decisions—from Tony Robbins to Jessica Alba—focusing on the moment an idea turned into action. Hear how Amy learned to "get aligned" with her true purpose, how she learned to manage "FOMO" and how she feels that today she is the most productive she's ever been. (Oh yeah, she got married, too!)