Sometimes circumstances align our passion with our profession.  However,  it takes determination, strength and a fair amount of fight to build on our goals.  Cue in Kelli Masters, one of the most influential women in the sports industry and a groundbreaking sports agent.  This former Miss Oklahoma, attorney and avid football fan accomplished what no one believed possible-- she became a prolific agent and the first women to represent a first round NFL draft pick.  It wasn't an easy task.  Kelli's path to success was riddled with roadblocks, "no" answers, biases, no-shows and failed deals before she finally secured her place at a table previously reserved only for men.   Several years down the road, Kelli and her KMM Sports agency has closed over $200 million in deals, and continues to flourish.  Most impressively, she isn't just trying to keep her seat at the table.   Kelli is using her platform to inspire others to pursue improbable goals, recognize that it's never too late to follow one's dreams and find a true purpose to live for.  Author of High Impact Life: A Sports Agent’s Secrets to Finding and Fulfilling a Purpose You Can’t Lose, Kelli is not only a pioneer, she is a game changer and advocate.  Her story is sincere, passionate and heartfelt.  Listeners will feel her emotions, and will walk away adoring the person that Kelli represents.

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