Get ready to be not just inspired, but MIND BLOWN!  Julia Linn (code name Dolpinine) was a Type 1 Diabetic, who over the course of her younger adult life, endured kidney failure, blindness, nerve damage and heart disease.  She got a new lease on life after a double organ transplant.  As a professional in the fashion industry, Julia struggled with body image and weight issues like many of us.  Catapulting traditional methods, she decided to embark on a journey to transform and love herself from the inside out.  It took over two years, and now at the age of (wait for it...) 65, a Nationl Physique Committee Masters Bikini competitor.  Her transformation was emotionally, mentally and physically so profound, she began a crusade to empower other midlife women to feel the same.  She is a coach, author and speaker, inspiring 1000s of women to comprehensively feel their best.  Most importantly, she is a completely generous, positive and complete bad ass women paving the way for us all!

Get Ready To Be Inspired, Educated, Empowered and Entertained! For more information visit us @shesa10times5.