Sher's theory of monogamy in the future. 

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Author: Shirley Henderson AKA Sher 11/29/2015

Hello everybody, this episode is brought to you by the loving donations and purchases of full articles, who provide the free content, for readers like you at our blog

Today topic is:

Sher’s theory of monogamy in the future

To talk monogamy we have to talk adultery which I do not, in any type, or form endorse or condemn either one.

I am just and observer of the human evolution in my living time, right now we are in the ending of the year 2015 and virtual reality still in the infant stage.

I think that because the internet is giving us access to other people’s intimacy we find that such platforms hosting large groups of people interactions inevitably will help monogamy to disappear, or a new concept will be created. But it will never be like we grow up knowing it. It will not be possible why? Because we are animals from the animal kingdom and we have primal instincts which when not restrain, they will run loose like the weeds in spring time.

I am not saying that we should contain them, it would be in vain because it will be part of the evolution. Humans will become sexually active like other intelligent species such as dolphins and primates. Probably, by now we have witnessed this behavior in a small scale, and even when we cannot believe it, or accepted, well this is the explanation in my opinion of why is happening.

If we ask an anthropologist, she would tell us that cheating is being happening from the beginning of times ever since the man discovered fire and they reunited in groups to cook the hunt.

Actually, Anthropologist Helen Fisher in a TedTalk remembers being ask, why is it that man are more adulterous than women? And she said, who do you think these man are sleeping with? So this make me think that it is plausible that the percentage of man who cheat, they need a partner to cheat with, they cannot do it by them selves.

So after this said. My theory relies on the spotlight cheaters have with the social exposure like never before, right now we get surprised when somebody reports publicly of their findings it does not mean that it did not happened before in the history of human kind, the different was that, the news did not spread that far.

Thank you, for your loving donation and for buying my full articles, also thank you so much for sharing my content with with your social media.

I will meet you back for another episode I see you then, send you a kiss, I love you all.

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