Hey Guys,   in a way I feel a bit ridiculous  here to recommend this song as I truly hope to "preach to the choir" here and you all know who  @The Cure  are and at least are slightly familiar with their work.  They have been around "forever" and even though they have re-invented themselves and their sounds a couple of times, they have never waned from the public eye, at least in my "bubble". So, even though if I'm quite certain that you will know them, here I recommend the Cure's "A Forest" to you. A prototypical Post Punk / early Goth Song, you are very welcome ...  ;)  https://youtu.be/xik-y0xlpZ0  https://open.spotify.com/track/00Amd2EiGo17YoZyOjk3VV?si=83312eb2bc964fd0  and, of course, here it is in my playlist:  https://playlist.shellshockedradio.com/link/griyke  If you rather want to listen to my Talks as a Podcast, you can find it on Spotify, iTunes, Google & in other places here:  https://anchor.fm/shellshockedradio​​  https://linktr.ee/megalmodas​  #recommendations #shellshockedradio #thecure #aforest