Yeah! This is Pop Glory Galore!  

@David Bowie  and  @Pet Shop Boys  united together to make a great Pop Song ending in an even greater Crescendo? 

How can you not love that? 

I'm not a huge Bowie Fan, I mean, I really admire the artistic achievements, and some of his songs are really good, but I was more taken by the overall artistic figure of Bowie, not so much his music. 

But this song I really like! That he did it together with the also great Pet Shop Boys is a welcomed Bonus. 

Check out the music video with all the copyright free footage, which some I have used for my own videos as well ;)  

and of course, here it is in my playlist:  

If you rather want to listen to my Talks as a Podcast, you can find it on Spotify, iTunes, Google & in other places here:​​  

#DavidBowie #recommendations #shellshockedradio #ThePetShopBoys #Spaceboy #pop