Previous Episode: Death Is Everywhere


Are you in the throes of a huge tornado that is spinning up your life in ways where you are seeking a deeper meaning to what is going on? Has this out of control lifestyle, behavior patterns or drama created you to look elsewhere for answers like psychics and metaphysical sites? Is your faith in God being tested & you are seeking to figure out how to connect into something higher than yourself in order to get some grounding back in your life?

In this episode we are doing a deep dive into defining what spirituality is & how this one 'buzz' word is creating a paradigm shift to a whole new level of personal growth & development.

You don't want to miss:

The deeper meaning of spirituality & how it is affecting your world today The 3 main elements of spirituality & how it is impacting how you navigate your life The signs that let you know you are waking up spiritually The question of if spirituality & religion are the same The guide to begin exploring spirituality The steps to take to begin your spiritual awakening experience  The main belief of spiritual people The practices to embrace daily in your spiritual journey The benefits of spirituality

Links & Resources:

Click Here For Book Energy Is The New Brain Click Here For Spiritual School Curriculum Follow me on Instagram @ShelbyCarino Subscribe to my YouTube Channel here Join Shelby's Membership here Click here for official website

Make sure you hit SUBSCRIBE to never miss an episode of my spiritual teachings.

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Mentioned in this episode:

Welcome to The Relationship Reset

Thank you for tuning into Shelby Radio. I want you to know I have a new podcast called The Relationship Reset. And it's about embarking on a journey that seeks to heal our maternal wounds, so that we can resolve our generational trauma and embark on our spiritual ascension to a life where we carry a lighter load. You can find it on Apple, iTunes, Spotify, or any major podcast platform.