Previous Episode: Back To God
Next Episode: Claim Your Psychic

A lot of people are throwing their 'stuff' aka their garbage, their trash, their shadow, their demons, their inner turmoils & you want to make sure that YOU are in a position of POWER of SELF to have an immunity built up in your ENERGY to where when it gets thrown your energy throws it right back.

Are you there yet?

Listen in now to see if you are in a position of strength as you move through your own healing cycles.

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Mentioned in this episode:

Welcome to The Relationship Reset

Thank you for tuning into Shelby Radio. I want you to know I have a new podcast called The Relationship Reset. And it's about embarking on a journey that seeks to heal our maternal wounds, so that we can resolve our generational trauma and embark on our spiritual ascension to a life where we carry a lighter load. You can find it on Apple, iTunes, Spotify, or any major podcast platform.