Energy untanglement is real and it is necessary as we continue to evolve into higher levels of ascension. 

We have been 'beings' that have connected into others in order for us to survive or thrive and this has created a lot of mess in the energies. Now people who are evolving and waking up to their own energy field are beginning to draw back in their own energy in order to be more connected to their organic life force energy.

When one begins to draw back in their energy and they untangle it from others, there is always a feeling of what it feels like for those who it is being extracted from and for the person who it is drawing back into.

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Mentioned in this episode:

Welcome to The Relationship Reset

Thank you for tuning into Shelby Radio. I want you to know I have a new podcast called The Relationship Reset. And it's about embarking on a journey that seeks to heal our maternal wounds, so that we can resolve our generational trauma and embark on our spiritual ascension to a life where we carry a lighter load. You can find it on Apple, iTunes, Spotify, or any major podcast platform.