What struck ewe most from this episode - and why?

Systems.  Love 'em or hate 'em every industry has them. 

And shepherding is no different.  As Chapter 5 of our Head Shepherd's book 'Sheep Shepherd Dog - Building a Magnificent Team Around You' reveals.
In this series of conversations with the author, and veteran shepherd, Chris Farnsworth this is not just an audio book.

His stories from the farming world and Raising the Baa's client programmes bring the theory to life in an engaging and often humorous way.   

In this episode we discuss why systems are integral to teamwork, whether that team is the shepherd, his dog and sheep or a more traditional business team. 

Chris explains a couple of his sheep handling systems which, in his opinion, need to be simple for a shepherd.  Occasionally someone has to step in to his shoes or a student might be helping Chris. For these circumstances Chris needs a system that can be easily understood and readily usable by a third party.  

Likewise when employing an apprentice or first jobber, it accelerates their induction if they can quickly adopt the system. Or indeed challenge it.  A fresh mind can look at things differently and may bring about an improvement.  It's important that we remain open to others' perspectives and to allow time to discuss them.

What systems have you got in place? Is it time to view it from a different angle to make it simpler, faster, smoother?

If this episode prompts any questions, Tweet us or email [email protected] and we'll ensure it is answered in a future episode.

Enjoy - and thank ewe for listening :-)

Connect with the speakers via LinkedIn:
Caroline Palmer - Top Dog and co-founder, Raising the Baa
Chris Farnsworth - Head Shepherd and co-founder, Raising the Baa & author of 'Sheep Shepherd Dog - Building a Magnificent Team Around You'

What are your main team challenges and desires? Maybe we can help?
Book in a 15-minute Exploratory Call now and let's see.