What struck ewe most from this episode - and why?

Er... team?

Would be churlish for us to say otherwise!

In the shepherding world the team comprises the shepherd and their dog, or for those with larger flocks, their dogs.

This epitome of a trusty team is at the heart of all that we at Raising the Baa deliver, on and off the field.  And this podcast series is just one example.

Continuing our series, The A-Z of Team Building, themes beginning with T are discussed:
- how can one hot drink can lift energy and build team spirit?
- why iteration and analysis shouldn't be neglected
- if lacking, it's one of the top 5 behaviours of a dysfunctional team
This series was inspired by the many lessons learned by our clients following their experience of Raising the Baa. And we punctuate it with a few insights of our own too.

Expect plenty of analogies from the world of sheep and dogs from Head Shepherd & Founder of Raising the Baa, Chris Farnsworth, in these short and lively conversations with Paul Warriner, our Lead Facilitator.

Enjoy - and thank ewe for listening :-)

In the final draw of the year, the prize is a hand-made sheep's wool hot water bottle cover - to keep ewe snuggly warm in an eco-friendly and ecological way :-)

To enter simply answer this question:

Which T theme is described with two T words, both with the same meaning?

Email your response to [email protected], with Sheep Dip in the subject box please.

The draw closes at 23.59 on 31 December 2022 and we'll email the winners the following working day.  One entry per episode. Open to UK residents only.

FREE resource:
Sheep, Shepherd or Dog - which one are ewe? Take our personality quiz and find out.

Connect with the Speakers via LinkedIn:
Paul Warriner - The Recognition Coach and Lead Facilitator, Raising the Baa
Chris Farnsworth - Head Shepherd and Co-Founder, Raising the Baa

What are your main team challenges and desires? Maybe we can help?
Book in a 15-minute Exploratory Call now and let's see.