What struck ewe most from this episode - and why?

Provocative perhaps? 

In this episode a couple of the themes beginning with P might seem a little negative in relation to building a strong team. 

As with so many aspects of team dynamics however it's about balance. Yin and yan if you like. So long as a potentially negative theme is recognised, action can be taken to redress it to create a positive outcome.

In this series, the A-Z of team building, we continue to recall lessons learned by so many of our clients' team members following their experience of Raising the Baa. And punctuate it with a few insights of our own too. 

Expect plenty of analogies from the world of sheep and dogs from Head Shepherd & Founder of Raising the Baa, Chris Farnsworth, in these short and lively conversations with Paul Warriner, our Lead Facilitator.

Enjoy - and thank ewe for listening :-)


In the November draw, the prize is a portable Bluetooth Speaker, perfect for podcasts and all other listening of course! 

To enter simply answer this question:

Which TWO themes mentioned, beginning with P, can counter-balance each other to help teams succeed?

Email your response to [email protected], with Sheep Dip in the subject box please.

The draw closes at 23.59 on the last day of each month (Oct - Dec 2022) and we'll email the winners the following working day.  One entry per episode. Open to UK residents only.

FREE resource:
Sheep, Shepherd or Dog - which one are ewe? Take our personality quiz and find out.

Connect with the Speakers via LinkedIn:
Paul Warriner - The Recognition Coach and Lead Facilitator, Raising the Baa
Chris Farnsworth - Head Shepherd and Co-Founder, Raising the Baa

What are your main team challenges and desires? Maybe we can help?
Book in a 15-minute Exploratory Call now and let's see.