What struck ewe most from this episode - and why?

"Presentation skills and public speaking ability is the #1 leadership skill you need to have in order to stand out from the crowd and be a voice in your industry. Are you ready to step up to the mic?" asks our guest Johnny Ball on his LinkedIn profile.

To truly work WITH your team, not just be there for them, they need to see you show up with authority and be eager to hear your voice. Mastering presentation skills helps us to bring the whole team on board, to engage and connect with them at a really meaningful level. And all this helps to progress up the career ladder or in growing your own business.

Johnny's professional presentation skills started when addressing passengers on board an aircraft and now his voice is aired daily through The Daily Present and Speaking of Influence, his podcast and videos. In between times he's training and coaching business people to "speak like a Roman emperor" and "nail that presentation" with his authoritative yet amiable style.

In this show we discuss:

what it means to be a 'key person of influence' and why it mattersthe use of humour, or not, when presentinghow Johnny has helped one of his corporate clients, through the mastery of communication, to gain promotion to a senior level

And along the way, as usual, Head Shepherd Chris draws analogies with the world of shepherding. Whilst communication between the shepherd and his dog may be as traditional as ever, the way in which he engages with customers regarding their sheep has progressed and evolved with the help of technology.

Our conversation concludes with Johnny sharing his top 3 tips for making addressing a group of people from behind a screen, a skill we've all had to develop in the last year especially. 

As always, if this episode has prompted any questions, please go ahead and ask - either email [email protected] or leave it in your review!

Enjoy - and thank ewe for listening :-)

Free resources:

Been asked to speak at short notice? You can nail it with the help of Johnny's Last-Minute Presentation Checklist

Sheep, Shepherd or Dog - which one are ewe? Take our personality quiz and find out.

Connect with the speakers via LinkedIn:
Caroline Palmer - Top Dog and Co-Founder, Raising the Baa
Chris Farnsworth - Head Shepherd and Co-Founder, Raising the Baa

Johnny Ball - presentation skills and public speaking trainer and coach, podcaster, founder of Present Influence

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