What struck ewe most from this episode - and why?

We've been serialising the book over the last few weeks and the final chapter concludes with 10 qualities of an outstanding team building event.

In our humble opinion naturally.

The 10 tips are available as a free download from the pop-up on our website and in our podcast we delve into each one a little deeper.  Numbers 1 to 5 were discussed in last week's episode.  And here are the final 5!

So when planning your next team building programme, cross reference it against our 10 Qualities checklist.  And if you tick off less than 10, you might like to consider herding sheep with Raising the Baa instead ;-)

If these thoughts prompt any questions, Tweet us or email [email protected] and we'll ensure it is answered in a future episode.

Enjoy - and thank ewe for listening :-)

Connect with the speakers via LinkedIn:
Caroline Palmer - Top Dog and co-founder, Raising the Baa
Chris Farnsworth - Head Shepherd and co-founder, Raising the Baa & author of 'Sheep Shepherd Dog - Building a Magnificent Team Around You'

What are your main team challenges and desires? Maybe we can help?
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