Recent discussions has me thinking - why are so many people afraid of being unfiltered. Why do they cover their ass, are politically correct, are so worried about what others think of them. Today, we tear it down to build up.

Shedding the Bitch Radio is all about giving you the dialogue, debate and delight that will help you create and accelerate RICHes in your career, business and life.

Each week we will discuss a top of mind topic women are facing at home, in the community and at work. Our show will include guests, last minute trending topics and Listeners Choice......

JOIN US on Facebook each week as well to makes comments, feedback or questions!!!!

Your hostess, Bernadette Boas, author, coach/consultant and reformed Corporate Bitch, knows what it is like to wreak havoc on those around her at work and at home, as well as on herself. Masking her insecurities, fears and negative beliefs of herself (what she now calls Bitches) with a persona of a competitive, demanding and manipulative person, she knows all about the issues and opportunities facing women in corporate, in business and in life. And she is determined to help as many women as possible to NOT succumb to the rat race of it all. PLUS... she is a ball of fire strategy and business consultant...who will provide you the tips, advice and tough love you need to succeed.

Each week she and her guests will discuss current top issues and growth opportunities that women deal with, as well educate and inspire you to 'stake your claim' to shed your own bitches, so you can shift from Bitch to RICH!

Listen weekly live or in archive (here and on Itunes). Call in to her at 1-818-572-2910 to ask advice, debate the topic or simply tell your story.

Shedding the Bitch Radio is all about YOU!