Our guest, Angel Iscovich as been referred to as a philosopher who happened to be trained in medicine.He joins us to discuss how the insight into our human nature is the importance of a stable Environment and Routine, and how this is how we are wired. (Our Physiology, Endocrinology) As well as how we perceive our world with routine, rhythm, regularity, that gives us a sense of certainty. Today our world is disruptive, interruptive, and distracting our very nature. The book "Art of Routine" expands our insights into this aspect of our human nature and points to Longevity, High Performers, Care of our Young, and Business.Tune in, post your comments and questions, and hear about:1. Importance of Routine and Stability in Longevity & High Performance2. How individuals have dealt with Crisis.3. Our response to the World Pandemic its disruption and our recovery  

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