There are several theories about why an individual might use bullying tactics, but our guest, Robyn Bartlett of Life Transition Experts, and Bernadette will discuss the societal causes, impacts and ways to overcome being bullied or being the bully.

Listeners will learn:
 Qualities of bullying in the animal world (including humans!) How and why bullying is an evolutionary adaptive behavior  (genes & sex) The social benefits and impacts of bullying in the current day workplace
Robyn Bartlett, a lifetime student, has earned her associates in French Language, her bachelor’s in Psychology, her master’s in sociology, and now her all but dissertation (ABD) PhD in Industry & Organizational Psychology, which she will complete this fall; focused on bullying.

 Bernadette Boas is known as a ‘ball of fire’ author, speaker, screenwriter, leadership change agent and radio hostess… who inspires, motivates and equips women with the mindset and skill set needed to achieve success and prosperity in their life and business.

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