Today, we address a question that many professionals have when they take on a new job, a new position, or even a new employer: how can I excel in a new role while also meeting my personal needs?

Kim Van Lue is the CEO, Talent Development Consultant, and Executive Coach of North Spring Leadership Consulting, where she works with leaders in large and small organizations to make their teams more effective.

In this episode of Shedding the Corporate Bitch, Kim shares her advice for getting clear about what it is that you want from your job, how to find alignment between an organization's values and your own, and prevent dissonance when it comes to expectations.

There is a world in which you can take both business needs and your personal needs into consideration without sacrificing one for the other. Remember, no one has a bigger impact on your experience of a new role than you do!

By doing the self-discovery work to find out what you actually want and how you can best tend to your own needs, you can avoid the cycle of self-doubt and overwhelm that many high achievers fall into and turn your job into everything you want it to be (and more)!

Topics discussed in this episode:

 ●      How Kim’s personal experience informs her coaching strategy

●      Emphasizing relationship building and culture over action

●      The value of a trusted partner to guide you through work transitions

●      Why authenticity and vulnerability are easier said than done

●      Tips for overcoming self-doubt

●      Why imposter syndrome is more prevalent in women

●      What failure looks like for high achievers

●      Advice for aligning organizational values with your own

●      Getting clear about what you actually want from your job

●      How expectations can influence your experience

●      The importance of trust, connection, and self-discovery work

●      Why leaders sometimes struggle to care for themselves

●      A case for empathetic leadership

●      Tips for maintaining business needs and your personal needs

●      Why high achievers are often overwhelmed in new roles

●      Kim shares her take on “quiet quitting”


Learn more about Kim at 

Follow her on Linkedin @kim-van-lue


What questions came up for you during this discussion? Book a call with me at, and let's talk!

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