Each week leadership expert, author and radio host, Bernadette Boas and a special guest, tackle the top of mind career, business and life issues women deal with... and provide a lively dialogue, debate and delight, to give you the tips, inspiration and information you need to successful address those challenges.

 CALL 1-818-572-2910 to talk directly to Bernadette and her guest, or listen and enjoy right here on Shedding the Bitch Radio.

LISTEN WEEKLY to Shed the Bitch Radio on Tuesday’s at Noon eastern. FOLLOW the program HERE

Bernadette Boas is the ball of fire keynote speaker and trainer, leadership consultant, author, screenwriter, and radio host behind Ball of Fire Consulting, Ball of Fire Inc. (media/publishing), Shedding the Bitch Radio, and her book Shedding the Corporate Bitch, Shifting Bitches to Riches in Life and Business. Buy it now on Amazon.