Do you recall the anticipation of getting test results in school, waiting to see what questions you got right and which ones you got wrong? This same hunger for feedback extends into the workplace, where employees at every level of an organization also want insights on their performance.

In this episode, I’m diving deeper into the role of performance reviews and why they’re crucial for employee growth. I share tips on how to prepare for these reviews, ensure feedback is effectively communicated, and adopt a win-win approach that leaves both sides feeling aligned and engaged.

My goal is to help leaders understand how to structure performance reviews so that employees get the constructive feedback they need to succeed, and also empower leaders to elevate their teams. Listen now!


Why performance reviews are so importantExamples of the impact of failed performance reviewsTips for conducting effective performance reviews

Check out episode #370 to learn more strategies for performing and receiving performance reviews!

Have questions beyond our discussion about how to become a powerhouse leader? Book a call with me and let’s talk!

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