According to our guest, Peter Ruppert, our ability to stretch towards success is tied to how we think — but we have a choice in how we shape that thinking. If we let ourselves view every bad experience as proof we’re not meant to succeed, we limit ourselves from taking key risks. But we can reframe our perception, see failure as opportunity, and accomplish far greater things. Learn more HEREListener will learn:How to practice a positive mindset until it becomes an empowering habit.Why journaling is such a powerful tool for transforming our self-awareness.How to develop the skill of reframing — and use it to push past self-doubt.Why we single ourselves out for failing and how to overcome the reflex.How focusing on even the smallest victories paves the way for real success.Peter Ruppert is founder and CEO of i-Education Group, which operates over 75 Fusion and Futures Academies for grades 6-12 in one student, one teacher classroom environments. A 20-year veteran of the education industry, he’s opened over 100 schools and acquired more than 25 others. He’s been president and CEO of organizations in the private school, charter school, and early education industries, and sat on his local public school board for 5 years. He lives with his family in Grand Rapids, Michigan. His new book is Limitless: Nine Steps to Launch Your One Extraordinary Life. Learn more at  

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