On today's show, we are talking Love Drops..... with our guest, Cindy Sharp, Speaker |  Business Healer Inspiring Author |  Quirky Loving Human.

Cindy’s 20 year experience in the corporate world as a sales professional, sales trainer, sales coach and AVP with JPMorgam Chase, made one thing clearly evident, that helping others grow their business was a gift she was born with. As a quirky, rule breaker, change maker and a light to all that know her - her moving stories of being born with a rare birth defect, wealthy at times, abused, homeless at 17, on occasion very rebellious and eventually self-loved. One thing she learned along the way was that never giving up, moving forward and laughing was the journey to find herself, spirit and her true calling, healing businesses.

Cindy is the author of a Chicken Soup for the Soul inspirational style book called PS 'You are Loved".

Call in LIVE to 1-818-572-2910, chat right here on Blog Talk Radio, or post your question, story or challenge on Shed the Bitch FACEBOOK or TWITTER.

Bernadette Boas is known as a ‘ball of fire’ author, speaker, screenwriter, leadership change agent and radio hostess… who inspires, motivates and equips women with the mindset and skill set needed to achieve success and prosperity in their life and business.

Listen weekly on Shedding the Bitch.com or iTunes.