Today's show is all about International Women's Day - March 8 campaign theme: Pledge For Parity -

From their website: Celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievement of women. Yet let's also be aware progress has slowed in many places across the world, so urgent action is needed to accelerate gender parity.

We will discuss the realities of the status of women today in business, politics, and life....and what you can do to change your story as a woman in the workplace, community and your very own home.


Bernadette Boas is known as a ‘ball of fire’ business, career and leadership coach, author, speaker, screenwriter, and overall change agent… who inspires, motivates and equips women with the mindset and skill set needed to achieve success and prosperity in their life and business.

Each week she and her guests will discuss current top issues and growth opportunities that women deal with, as well educate and inspire you to 'stake your claim' to shed your own bitches, so you can shift from Bitch to RICH!  FOLLOW the show to get updates and announcements on topics, guests and more.

Listen weekly LIVE or in archive on Shedding the or iTunes.

Shedding the Bitch Radio is all about YOU and the top of mind topics on women's mind today. T

#shedthebitch  #transformation