Rarely will you find a person who is excited about facing a struggle or challenge. Most of us whine, ask why me, and sometimes are even offended the struggle is interfering with our lives. Regardless if the struggle is health related, a financial loss, an addiction, an unexpected accident, the loss of a parent/spouse/child, etc., we have to decide if we will live in defeat or if we will fight to overcome the struggle. Struggles are as certain as death and taxes. How we deal with them and what we learn from them is not. Choose wisely.

Melony Brown loves women who struggle. She loves them, because she knows what it is like to struggle. A stroke at age two and several mini-strokes in her 40’s, as well as wrestling with migraines for the last 18 years has been a struggle. With her own struggles and that of other women, she’s immersed herself in learning about why some facing struggles choose to live in defeat and others fight to overcome. Over the last five years, Melony has interviewed numerous women to learn about their struggles and the wisdom they gained when they chose to fight to overcome. To say she’s passionate about this topic is an understatement. She went so far as to have it tattooed on her left bicep!