Are you stuck and frustrated in your professional life?  Do you have the knowledge to move forward in your journey, and for whatever reason, you have not taken action?  Today, our guest, Mark Hernandez, will be sharing how an advanced energy medicine system known as The Body Code can help you accelerate your professional growth so that you experience improved health / well-being, more joy, peace anf fullfillment, and transformational breakthroughs.  He will share with us how - 1) Everything is energy…everything is connected. 2) Our emotional baggage / negative trapped emotions (anger, grief, shame, sadness) are the major source of our challenges with our health and well-being.3) Advanced energy medicine systems such as The Body Code help people identify / release the non-beneficial energies that are keeping them stuck and in pain in their personal and professional lives.Mark Hernandez is the owner and founder of People and Pets Energetics.  He is a Holistic Practitioner that helps people animals, and spaces that have “hit the wall” with health and well-being issues.  He uses non-invasive energy-medicine modalities and tools to help his clients experience change in a gentle and safe fashion.    

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