Previous Episode: Kelly's Story - Part 2
Next Episode: Lynne's Story

Elaine and I met through a mutual friend and she reached out to me after reading my book. She discovered we had a lot of similarities in our stories and I have loved corresponding with her.  Elaine shares her recovery story with so much bravery and I am in awe of her! She is a pastor's wife, farm girl, boy mom, and avid lover of the Lord. In today's podcast, Elaine shares about the trauma that set her up for addiction and also her relapse after twenty years of sobriety.

Elaine talks about the support group, SEVEN. SEVEN is a safe place, a support group for anyone with hurts, habits, or hangups based on the 12 steps of Recovery and Biblical comparisons to each step.

If you would like to get in touch with Elaine and find out more about the group, please email me at [email protected] and I will make that happen.

Thank you, Elaine, for sharing your hard story to encourage others!

On the She Surrenders podcast we are talking about women, faith and addiction all on the same platform. There are many podcasts for women and sobriety, but very few for women seeking information and stories from others about faith-based recovery. Could you leave a review for the SS Podcast? Subscribing and Reviewing will help get this in the ears of those searching for God's word in Recovery. I'm trying hard to get the word out, and this is a way you can be a part of the solution as well. Thank you!