The pandemic hit everyone hard, where everyone was expected to innovate and pivot in a whole new direction in a moment’s notice. This isn’t easy in any industry, let alone in show business where you have to be creative, and as we all know, creativity can’t always be summoned. 

However, after a chance conversation with a colleague, actor, writer, producer, film maker, Summer Moore created ‘Pandemic Pillow Talk’, as a means to create during the shut downs, which ended up being a huge success. Summer is wildly talented so this doesn’t come as a surprise, but it takes a special knowing and understanding to create from a place you’ve never been before. 

In today’s episode we discuss how Summer created ‘Pandemic Pillow Talk’, as well as an important conversation about the power of reciprocity. Giving back, helping, doing good for others expecting nothing in return, but receiving tenfold. This mindset and philosophy is what helped get Summer where she is now, and continues to live by the laws of karma that will surely help catapult her to new heights.

Tune in to hear a story of success in the midst of the pandemic and to learn about the power of reciprocity as well!

Topics discussed in this episode:

How Summer got into comedy The fruition of Pandemic Pillow Talk Developing a social media following as an actor The power in reciprocity The struggle for artists to switch to being business minded How Summer figured out the business side of show business Summer’s words of wisdom for anyone pursuing comedy The importance of helping other women

To watch ‘Pandemic Pillow Talk’ head to their website or connect via Instagram.


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