Jody DeVere is an internationally recognized speaker, trainer, often-quoted industry pundit and spokesperson for the automotive industry on the women's market. Jody’s company,, Inc. serves as the first point of contact for many women who are seeking the very best experience to buy a car and service by visiting Certified Female Friendly® automotive retail locations across the United States and Canada.


Key Takeaways

Everything needs to be filled with compassion and empathy so that you can properly support your team. How do you shift as a leader and tap into your creativity in times of overwhelm and crisis? Jody takes an hour every morning to meditate and tap into her creative self. What do you want to be known for? Like truly? Jody has had to start over a few times. If your goal is to just make money, it’s not going to be enough. So many women have negative self-talk. Stop it! Why are you still doing this? Is it still valuable to you and your goal? You stop yourself more than the world is stopping you! What is your concept and relationship to money? Is it helping you or hurting you? Women are starting their own businesses about 10X the rate of men! Why? What was Jody’s very first car buying experience? Twenty years in, Jody is still passionate and loves what she does.



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Michelle’s quote: “Whether you’re choosing it or not, your team becomes like you.”


“What do you want to be known for? With that, you crystalize that thinking and that vision for yourself, everything else becomes easy.”


“Women I talk to, they talk themselves out of a big audacious vision because they feel like they lack something. You stop yourself more than the world is stopping you.”


“I have partnered with numerous large brands, joined together on a mission, to make our industry a place where not only women want to work, but know they can break the glass ceiling and work at the highest levels.”