Michelle is back with another solo episode and she wants to share with you her strategies to finding clarity when you’re so clearly lost in the fog. She has a couple of mechanisms she uses, and would you have guessed it, one of them includes breathwork! Really, really do not underestimate the power of your breathing because a lot of great nuggets of wisdom can flow through you.


Key Takeaways

True leadership is an inside-out game! Everyone struggles with clarity! From the startup founder to the CEO running a multi-million dollar operation. What is the definition of clarity? Michelle talks it out when she needs to find more clarity. Michelle finds a lot of her answers when she is out in nature. Another positive mechanism that helps for Michelle is… breathing! Breathing helps with a couple of things, like getting your head out of the past/future. It took Michelle a while to get clarity on this podcast show name. When it comes to you, hear it, trust it, and take action on it. In the end, remember to trust your intuition.




“Every time I get quiet, every time I take a walk, go for a drive, and start talking it out, insights start coming to me and they will come for you as well.”


“Breathing gets you out of the past, it keeps you from thinking ahead, and it gets you into the present moment.”


“Whatever would come to me, would be correct.”