As a shy kid growing up, Michelle had to develop mechanisms to help her better show up and ‘perform.’ This is something she developed when she was just in 7th grade! Her method has slightly evolved since then, but she shares how you can slow down and create space for yourself so that you can speed up and rock it… even when you’re feeling down or sick or tired!


Key Takeaways

Leadership is defined from the inside out! How are you cultivating the leader inside of you? Michelle was painfully shy when she was younger. The first time Michelle was on stage was in 7th grade. Music helped her get out of her shell. Because Michelle was so shy, she created mechanisms in place to properly prepare her for the stage. One of those things was ‘space.’ Michelle always liked being at things ‘first’ so that she could begin to create space and feel ready for whatever was going to be thrown at her. Even when you’re struggling, healthwise, you must find a way to make your dreams come true. When Michelle was struggling, these were the methods she used: creating space, diversion activity, breathing, mantra, and ‘present moment.’ Even if you don’t feel powerful, use these tactics to create space. When you’re coaching high performers, you need to help them slow things down.




“These little sneaky mechanisms that seem to hold you back or get you in a downward spiral of no opportunity really can be turned around with a flip of a switch.”


“There are many of you out there, like me, who have struggled with chronic autoimmune challenges, and maybe that day you just don’t have it in you. But, you need to find a way. You need to make it happen.”


“You might not be feeling your most powerful self. I have those days. I use this process to create space.”